A review by cpcabaniss
Lady Susan by Jane Austen


“My dear Alicia, of what a mistake were you guilty in marrying a man of his age! Just old enough to be formal, ungovernable, and to have the gout; too old to be agreeable, too young to die.”

I've read Austen's six main novels each multiple times and always love them a lot. I watched Love and Friendship, the movie that was based on Lady Susan, when it came out a few years ago. I was not much a fan of the movie, but wanted to read the novella.

Although most of the characters in this are horrid people, it has Austen's usual wit, making it an enjoyable and entertaining read. It's written in epistolary format, which I really love.

The end is a bit rushed and I was not particularly fond of what happened to certain characters, especially Frederica, but it was still a fascinating story and one I know I will revisit in the future.