A review by desiree_mcl
Wolf Rain by Nalini Singh


4.5 stars.

Loved being back with the Snowdancer pack again. Seeing Hawk, Sienna, Judd, and Breanna again is always an amazing treat. Plus we also got a decent amount of Kaleb!

Memory is now in the group of my favorite female characters of the series, definitely loved the moments when she didn't back down from Alexei when he was getting alpha. And I loved that she loved how touchy feel-y he was with her. She needed touch after being isolated for so long and Alexei was able to give that to her and wanted to give that to her.

Alexei, loved him too. There were moments where while he wanted to be near Memory he also wanted her to have her own space and her own things because she hadn't had that option when in captivity. My heart broke for him with his family and his fear of turning rogue. And I really enjoyed Memory being there for him just like he was there for her.

The Empath plot in this book was so great, I was on the edge of my seat.
SpoilerThe Arrows shooting themselves instead of doing what the psychic force wanted them to do, showed so much strength but that is going to mess them up for a while.

My only complaint (and it's very minor) was that I wanted more romance moments between Memory and Alexei, the romance was wonderful but if there had been a little more this would have been a full 5 stars.

Great installment to this series.