A review by fantasyreader223
Silver in the Blood by Jessica Day George


I have to say, I was pretty dissatisfied with this novel. I usually love everything this author writes, yet with this book, I find myself asking where the author was trying to go with the story. This book felt like a few 100 pages too long. The author took too long setting up the characters surroundings rather than staying focused on building the characters themselves. I found Dacia and Lou to be one dimensional and also very whiny. I cannot stand female protagonists that constantly complain and cry. I understand that this might make them seem more real, however, it can be a bit repetitive. I was surprised that Miss Jessica wrote such flimsy protagonists as she has written wonderful female characters such as Creel from the Dragon Slippers series or Princess Rose and Princess Petunia from A Midnight Ball. I just wish this story had held more substantial content. It has such potential!