A review by heyjudy
Breaking the Rules by Katie McGarry



I really wish this were released in physical copy, but oh well. There’s no way I was not going to get this book, no matter the format.

I’d forgotten how much I liked Noah and Echo from the first book. Now, we get to see them dealing with their lasting issues, only now together and wanting to stay that way.

I loved the New Adult aspect of this novel, now that they’re out of high school and on the road, only the two of them. They’re more mature now, and they’re very happy to be together.

This book was pretty angsty, though. They fight several times, trying to deal with their own issues as well as the ones they have together. They want the same things, but they have a very hard time telling them to each other. Some of it was so aggravating. Noah makes one big, stupid step in this book that’s pretty much the climax, and he’s so frustratingly dumb about it. Because, just, Noah, really?

Noah is trying to be the man he thinks Echo deserves, trying to do everything too fast and making himself doubt. Then Echo wants to do her art, while dealing with her mother and her scars. Then Noah’s family comes in the picture. Everything gets messed up, before it can even try to get better. The fact they’re together lets us see them be a couple, do couple things and plan together, and do more steamy things. That was nice.

Also, we see Isaiah several times, and I love him. He’s such a good friend to both of them. And it just made me want to re-read his story.

The whole story went by so fast, though, and I loved it. The ending was so great.

I can’t wait for her next book.

[Read more at my blog, Geeky Reading!]