A review by sapphisms
Batgirl, Volume 1: Batgirl of Burnside by Cameron Stewart


Completely erased all of the hardwork DC put into Barbara Gordon to make her a realistic and fully-fleshed character. The Killing Joke (and all of its sexual assault and paralysis contents) are constantly referenced throughout the entire volume- without any form of respect to the fact tht Barbara was assaulted. She very briefly ends up in a wheelchair but is, by some miracle, able to walk again because of an experimental surgery. Ableism is abound, despite the fact that they have a black disabled character (who seems to only exist to be a springboard for Barbara's ideas and act as the computer-oriented character). Barbara seems to have forgotten all of her computer smarts and is diluted into an offensive millennial stereotype-
Spoilerthat she becomes 'obsessed with fame' and hooks up with every guy she comes in contact with are only two examples
. Qadir and Nadimah, who were both thrown in there for Muslim and Arab representation, are hollow characters that only exist for the purpose of boosting Barbara (almost offensively, Qadir exists solely to provide tech support). Barbara and Dinah's relationship was so toxic that it's a wonder how they were ever friends.
Two stars for art and the fact that Barbara's Batgirl suit was appropriate.