A review by darlala
Shadowlark by Meagan Spooner


3.5 stars

I loved Skylark, and I really enjoyed Shadowlark, but it had some pretty big flaws that I had trouble seeing past. That said, I'm definitely still looking forward to reading book three.

The book itself was good - starts out pretty much right in the action and stays that way for quite some time. There's some plodding along in the second quarter or middle third, but overall, it was a page turner.

There was a lot more world building taking place in this book, which I appreciated, and I LOVE that it looks like the past of this world will actually be explored. I've always hated books that claim a war or a huge event for the way things are, but never explain said war or event. Cop out. I think we will get some explanations for once!

The character relationships in this book felt much more superficial than they did in Skylark. I cared less about people than I did in book one...I hope she can bring some of that emotion back in book three, because I was very emotionally invested in Skylark, but felt little to none of that in Shadowlark.

My major problem with this book was how incredibly obvious the plot twist was from very, very early on. I knew what was going to happen at like 10 or 15% of the way into the book. There was no shock, no surprise, and therefore very little emotion. In fact, I thought the characters were stupid for not figuring it out themselves.

Overall, I enjoyed the book. I still love the series and can't wait to see where book three takes it.