A review by readwithwine
With the Fire on High by Elizabeth Acevedo


My Thoughts

Ugh this book!!!

It has been sitting on my shelf for awhile now, and was on my TBR for the Reading Women Challenge this year. To my utter delight, it was the Book Club pick for Reading Women in September, so I picked it up and finally read it.

This book made me cry, so its an instant 5 stars.

“And sometimes focusing on what you can control is the only way to lessen the pang in your chest when you think about the things you can't.”

Acevedo poured as much love into story as her main character, Emoni, pours into her cooking.

Love flows from this book, Emoni is wiser than her years, and despite her doubts about the future she has a lot of respect and self love. She adores her baby girl more than anything, as well as her 'Buela. The love in the friendships like Angelica, and new love like with Malachi.

This book takes all of the angst and concerns that young adults have when they leave the stability of their schools and strike out in the real world. But Emoni's concerns are so important when she considers who she has depending on her, while also trying to follow her dreams.

“Where we come from leaves its fingerprints all over us, and if you know how to read the signs of a place, you know a little bit more who someone is.”

I am not a cook, I can cook to live but lets not ask for anything fancy! Because of this, I found reading about the love and passion that went into Emoni's recipes, as well as the reactions from those who ate it to be so heartwarming and beautiful.

I was truly blown away with the writing, and I hope many young mums find themselves and believe in themselves when they dive into this book.

I hope you enjoyed my thoughts on With the Fire on High. Have you read this? Tell me what you thought! 

Feel free to comment below or on my 'bookstagram' at @ReadWithWine . 
This review was originally posted on ReadWithWine