A review by lisaspon
Rebel Heart by Moira Young


Oh my gosh when I got this book I was so excited!! I waited a long time to read this... Blood Red Road is one of my favorite books, so I had high hopes for this one.
The action/adventure aspect did not disappoint. I read this book very quickly because I could just not handle the suspense, haha! One of my favorite things about Blood Red Road was the parts with Saba and Jack...which there wasn't really much of in this book. I missed them because their interactions always made me laugh, but the other characters were still entertaining and interesting. However, there was this one part near the end that I found to be super random and just didn't seem like something Saba would do. I know she makes really rash decisions...but it just didn't seem like her. I don't know, it's probably just me and not the book, but it made me not like the book as much as I think I would have. I probably would have accepted it more if the part didn't seem so random and unlikely...oh well!