A review by forkdogforkfruit
The Boy Crisis: Why Our Boys Are Struggling and What We Can Do about It by Warren Farrell


Up until the point where Farrel’s co-author takes over this book is worth the read and would get a higher rating from me. I can’t phantom why Farrell would include or need to have a co-author on this topic. His points are strong enough without the pseudoscience that his co-author peddles and the bull takes away from the validity of the book.

The sections talking about ADHD and gluten intolerance as well as hot salts baths to combat troubled boys is just laughable. Add to this Farrel claiming radiation from cell/ mobile phones damages sperm. This is demonstrably not true and leaves me wondering how many scientific blind spots I have where Farrell may have sneaked in untruths without me knowing or realising.

Overall the ideas are presented well and thought provoking and are useful. My main concern is the validity of some of the facts and stats based on the prior mentioned points. The philosophy alone in the book makes it worth the read. The alleged facts are something to maybe keep an open mind on.

Final word: I’d suggest a better editor and drop the co-author.