A review by ferrisscottr
The human division #10 : this must be the place by John Scalzi


Don't let the 3 star rating throw you off - I enjoyed this quite a bit. Schmidt goes home for Harvest Day and the story revolves around his father wanting him to give up the Colonial Union for politics on Phoenix Station.
I don't see where this fits in the big story arc (other than to give us backstory or character development) but it was a nice tale. I care more about Schmidt than I ever have and let's be serious here - Scalzi can write! He makes you feel things that you shouldn't feel. The guy is a true master.
But the 3 star review is 100% due to the fact that this is episode 9 of 13 and there should be a climax coming up, there should be tensions rising, there should be something that looks like the end of the story and this was mainly backstory so I'm confused.
I trust him and will keep turning the pages because he's never let me down so far (take that Robert Jordan!)