A review by limabean74
Crane by Stacey Rourke


My Review:

I LOVE the Legend of Sleepy Hollow is one of my favorite stories, this for me was a must read and it did not disappoint. This is my first Stacey Rourke book and I am not sure what took me so long to read her books since I love her writing style and she has a wonderful sense of humor that she adds to her books. (follow her on FB you wont be sorry...so funny) The story is told in the past and present. You read a new fresh version of Ichabod and how he comes to Sleepy Hollow with his friends Irving and Rip and then you read in Ireland Crane’s POV and what is happening to her in Sleepy Hollow. I was never confused and the chapters are tiles with which POV you are reading. Ireland is a great characters, going through so much and coming to this town that suddenly throws her into a bunch of really weird senarios. She handles them very well with help from Rip and Noah. Noah…oh Noah…he is hilarious and I have to give a dreamy sigh too, I love a man with a string sense of humor and a big loving heart. Rip is my favorite, just don’t get him to worked up or you will be carrying him home. It has a good amount of romance, a lot of humor and a nice scary mystery. I didn’t find any part of the story slow, I thought both stories were told wonderfully and really came together. This is one of those books that you can’t seem to put down no matter how hard you try and once you are finished you will have grabby hands for the next one.

The story that Mrs Rourke created is both interesting, romantic, hilarious and different. I found this story to be extremely well done and I think Mr. Irving would really have enjoyed this telling of his story. From the story build to the narcoleptic old man, I honestly adore, love and need to rave nonstop about this book and how much I loved it. Looking forward to the next one.

recommend: 100%

Thank you so much for stopping by to check out my review

Hope you have a great day and Happy Reading!

This review was originally posted on Because reading is better than real life