A review by cadiva
Tied to You by Riley Hart


Five beautiful fat Quinn and Miles stars

I love relationships where there is just as much talking and laughing as there is time spent on the smexy encounters and this book is a starring example.

You can tell, and Riley admits it in the acknowledgements, that these two men were written with love. They jump off the page in all their wonderful glory, Quinn with his smart mouth, Miles with his unfailing honesty.

I loved every bit of this story, as I did book one in the series (and the prologue before that) because they feel real, the friendship between the four men at the heart of the setting, those who surround them, and the world they inhabit, could be just round the corner at that bar table.
It reminded me very much of St Elmo's Fire, one of the best films of the 80s and also of my own bunch of school mates who've now been taking the mickey out of each other for almost 40 years.

Beautiful cover too. I loved that this was a romance focused on an inter racial relationship with a man of colour at the centre. I wish there were even more novels which focused away from the typical white guy heroes.