A review by momwithareadingproblem
Contact by Laurisa White Reyes


I received a copy of this ebook from the publishers via Netgalley in exchange for an honest review.

Contact by [a:Laurisa White Reyes|5244611|Laurisa White Reyes|https://d.gr-assets.com/authors/1331669493p2/5244611.jpg] is a coming-of-age story about a teenage girl who after her sixteenth birthday develops a rather unusual gift.....erhm....curse. Mira Ortiz can know your entire life story...your dreams, your nightmares, every memory...with just one touch. She believes it's a curse until her mother falls into a coma and Mira believes that the cause is more than her mother's diabetes.

So this book fell flat for me. Don't get me wrong! The characters, the plot, even the tiniest bit of suspense were good, but just not for me. Let me start with the characters. Mira Ortiz is a young girl who can now read every though that a person has ever had with just one touch. It's her curse. I know personally that I would be just a little freaked out! But Mira isn't just freaked, no she's depressed. She wants a way out, so the book begins with her in the hospital after a failed suicide attempt.....um....excuse me but I lost interest there. Call me heartless, but suicide seems like a cheater's way out of a bad situation. So already I had doubts about the main character going in. Then there's David, who is kinda, sorta the love interest. He's cute, but has a secret. One that makes me dislike him.....again call me heartless but.....(sorry can't reveal his secret without spoilers).

Then there's the plot. My thoughts are the main plot is why Mira can all of a sudden read everyone's thoughts with just a touch, but alas that is not the case. In fact, Mira becomes obsessed with her father's lack of emotion when her mother slips into insulin shock (coma). She becomes so obsessed she believes that her father is trying to kill her mother!!!! Mira goes back and forth between believing her father is a good guy to believing he's the enemy. Very wishy-washy :| Also, I was yelling at Mira through my Kindle, telling her she had it all wrong. I had guessed long before the end who the bad guy was.

Now I may have guessed the villain but I did not guess all the details of the ending. The plot and subplot were extensive and tied together neatly in the end. Overall I would give this book 3.5 stars, not quite a 4 star read for me but better than most 3 stars. If you like suspense and sci-fi mixed into a coming-of-age story, than I believe you will enjoy this book.

This review is from the blog www.momwithareadingproblem.com