A review by sjj169
Gone, Baby, Gone by Dennis Lehane


Each day in this country, twenty-three hundred children are reported missing.

Kenzie and Angie don't really want to take this case. A missing four year old girl that was taken from her home, while her drugged out mom is supposedly next door at her friend's house watching tv. The mom did not even lock the door. She was in such a hurry that she just left it open. With her child inside.
I didn't want to find Amanda McCready. I wanted someone else to.
But maybe because I'd become as caught up in this case over the last few days as the rest of the city, or maybe because it had happened here in my neighborhood, or maybe just because "four-year-old" and "missing" aren't words that should go together in the same sentence.

They do end up taking the case and team up with a couple of cops that are on the case. Their old classmate Cheese may factor into the child's disappearance. A drug deal gone bad where money is taken and the child suffers the consequences?

Or is there more to the story? So many twists and turns in this book. Then just when I thought I had somewhat figured it out I got slammed against the wall.
This book makes you question right and wrongs in the world. Should things be so black and white? I don't know the answers to these questions and Dennis Lehane I sorta hate you for putting all this in my head.

I just don't have any more words for this book. I was just going to throw up five stars and walk away. Just read this series. Hug your kids.

Facades, no matter how well built, usually come down.