A review by mel_reviews_in_a_pinch
Fooling Around With Cinderella by Stacy Juba


Full Disclosure: I received a copy of this book from the author in exchange for an honest review.

My Thoughts: I’ve always had that tiny thought in the back of my mind telling me how cool it would be to be a Disney princess. Cinderella was never my first choice, but I still love reading Cinderella story lines. The fact that Fooling Around with Cinderella mixed the fairy tale aspect with contemporary (which I’m currently hooked on), made me want to read it immediately.

As it turns out, it was a cute, quick read. Really the easiest way to describe it is a fun, contemporary that mixes fairy tale elements into the modern world. It’s not a fairy tale retelling, but more realistic fiction. Sort of. I say sort of because I’m trying to imagine this book happening to me and I just don’t see it.

Jaine is a feisty, strong character that is actually a really great role model. She initially goes after a job that doesn’t even exist and she is so persuasive that they create a whole new position for her. Granted, she has to take one for the team first, but I think that just shows perseverance (or desperation, for the cynics out there). Initially, I thought she was going to be a fairly meek character, but then you’re introduced to this fire that I’d actually like to borrow. Whenever someone can stand up for themselves without whining and being a massive jerk, it’s impressive (to me at least).

Dylan is okay. He seemed to really like Jaine, but he wasn’t quite as developed as a character. I also didn’t like his lack of faith in her. It made sense for the story, but just made me love Jaine even more when she called him out on it. They had good chemistry, but it wasn’t great. I actually think that could’ve been solved by making the book a little bit longer. I would not be opposed to a longer version of Fooling Around with Cinderella.

Overall, I had a lot of fun reading Fooling Around with Cinderella. It was sweet and really was the perfect thing for me to pick up after finishing a psychological horror story that really messes with you. If you’re a fan of the fun contemporaries that make you smile, I would definitely recommend Fooling Around with Cinderella.

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