A review by alittlemixofvix
Starving Grounds: Tales of Folk Horror by Jay Alexander


A great collection of folk horror and I love the fact it's set in The Fens, which is very close to where I grew up - so I have heard some of the folklore (and know to steer clear of the lantern men).

The cover is stunning too, I love the colours and the abstract face of (I'm presuming) The Fen King.

Some very creepy stories, and the language was quite poetic in a few of them. My particular favourites were "The Hucker Hole" and "Why Doth Nana Cleave Me So".
"The Hucker Hole" had a great build-up, then a nice twist ending.
"Why Doth Nana Cleave Me So" was just down right gruesome - the vivid imagery was something else.

Whilst "The Bowls" was the longest story, I felt it wasn't long enough. There is so much more that needs to be explored - it could be a whole story all to itself.

Every time I drive past the "Welcome to Fenland" sign, I will be thinking of this book. If you like folk horror then this is for you.