A review by act4life25
Something Like Gravity by Amber Smith


Thank you NetGalley and Simon and Schuster Children's Publishing for an advance digital copy of this book.

“…life doesn’t wait until you’re perfect, or better, or out of pain for you to be alive.”

This book is much more than a simple transgender love story. The struggles that both Chris and Maia go through in this book is a great representation of being a teenager. This felt real and true. The unabashed selfishness that all of the teens have (including Hayden, Gabby, Mallory, and Neil) is something that I know teens go through without realizing it. There is nothing wrong with being selfish at times, which is what I loved about parts of this book.

The parents also had some great development in this book. It seems that parents are often either overlooked in YA books or problematic to further the story. I think both Chris and Maia’s parents are dealing with their own struggles and it’s important for YA books to discuss those struggles to raise awareness to youths that they aren’t the only ones going through struggles.

While I do think some of the topics in this book can be difficult for some to deal with, I think it was handled in a great way and does tread lightly. This book probably has the least heavy subject matter I’ve read in this regard but there can be some triggering material. Personally, I do think Amber Smith could have pushed some of the issues a little further. I felt that a lot of the issues were dealt with just on surface level.