A review by damianwinter
The Weight of Water by Sarah Crossan


Kasienka's voice, depicted through Crossan's poetic style, is nothing short of breathtaking. It carries a rawness that adds an extra layer of authenticity to her story. As a young immigrant, Kasienka faces a multitude of challenges and hardships. From navigating a new country to experiencing heartbreak from her father and grappling with the complexities of first love, her journey is both relatable and heart-wrenching.

Crossan does an exceptional job of addressing the struggles that come with immigration, giving readers a glimpse into the emotional toll it can take on an individual. Through Kasienka's eyes, we witness the longing for a sense of belonging, the cultural clashes, and the determination to carve out a new identity in an unfamiliar land. The author handles these themes with sensitivity and empathy, shedding light on the strength and resilience of immigrants and the power of community and support.

The Weight of Water is a poignant exploration of love, loss, and the immigrant experience. Sarah Crossan's masterful use of verse creates a unique and evocative narrative that allows the reader to feel every emotion and experience along with Kasienka. It's a story that reminds us of the universal struggles we all face, regardless of our background or circumstances.