A review by gillianw
Don't... by Jack L. Pyke


I'll be honest, there are so many surprises in this book and some major mind-fuckery going on, that it's almost impossible to write a review without giving anything away. I can tell you, though, that the first major plot twist happens about 30% in and it literally had me exclaiming "holy shit" because it totally came out of left field. you gotta love when that happens. The rest of the book is a dark, sexy ride that can only be described as a sorta-BDSM suspense story. The climax was another twist within a twist that ended on a strangely light note which was slightly incongruous with the rest of the story. Funny enough, it was probably my favourite part. All in all, a good story with a few surprises wrapped in a decent mystery. 3.5 stars