A review by virginiacjacobs
The Snake, the Crocodile and the Dog by Barbara Mertz, Elizabeth Peters


I always find that the first hundred pages or so are the hardest to get through, and after that the Amelia Peabody books are rather amusing.

In this book, Peabody and Emerson return to Egypt to hide some artifacts they discovered in their previous adventure, only to "discover" them again. Before you start thinking how un-Peabody/Emerson this sounds, you have to know that in their previous adventure, they swore not to mention where they had been. So they can't very well turn up with artifacts that indicate they've been somewhere they have to claim doesn't exist.

So the plan is to hide them in a probably location, claim they found them this season, and then send them of to a museum, or whatever. But of course, plans go awry and the Peabody-Emerson party is randomly (or not so randomly) attacked, etc.

This is all fine, but Peters never returns to the issue of the artifacts at all. So, presumably they're still in Peabody's possession, but it really is an incomplete plot thread.

This book was entertaining, but not as well written as other Amelia Peabody adventures.