A review by rach
Avengers Assemble by Brian Michael Bendis, Mark Bagley


Since I've become so obsessed with Hawkeye and Captain Marvel, I wanted to try reading more about the Avengers, and this run of Avengers Assemble seemed like a great place to start.

It's actually a great time to read this one. The main villain is Thanos, who will be the villain in the next Avengers movie, and this particular volume also features the Guardians of the Galaxy, whose movie is coming out this summer. So in essence, this volume worked as a basic intro to some characters I will be seeing more off in the MCU throughout the next year.

This is a fun story, but there's so many characters in this book that it's hard to really get to know any of them. You get little moments here and there that reinforce what you already know about characters, and get surface info on many others, but it's a little hard to emotionally engage when there are so many characters to focus on.

I'll obviously keep reading this title, and I hope that my enjoyment of it grows with each volume.