A review by evavroslin
The Cormorant by Chuck Wendig


With every Miriam Black book that has come out since "Blackbirds", Chuck Wendig has found a way to top himself and to make the second and third books in the series even racier and more pulse-pounding than its predecessor. If you thought that "Mockinbird" (book 2) kicked things into overdrive, then you may want to buckle your seatbelt for "The Cormorant," the third book in the Miriam Black series, which sees Miriam caught by two FBI agents and having to show the reader how she got there, what the circumstances were leading to this capture, and, of course, how she's going to get herself out of this precarious situation.

I didn't think it was possible for this series to get any more awesome than it already is but this book introduces a bit of an enhancement to Miriam's ability that is both epic and major. I won't spoil it here, but it's pulse-pounding and exciting to see it in action. I enjoyed the way that Chuck Wendig brought back elements from the first book that the reader assumed would never re-appear and he made them come full circle in a way that made sense.

From a technical standpoint, I also appreciated the way that he handled both a New York accent and a Haitian accent without making either of them seem campy, over-the-top, ridiculous, difficult to read, or inappropriate. Miriam also does things in this volume that she's never done before while staying true to her nature and staying true to the Miriam that we've come to know and admire as readers, and in this volume, I felt that this was possibly Miriam at her most honest. Not to say that she's ever dishonest in the previous books (except when she's lying to screw with people usually to great comic effect), but she was the most raw, the most vulnerable, and the most authentically her and it was brilliant to see her getting some answers to some questions while opening a whole new set of even more.

Suffice it to say, I look forward to reading more of Miriam Black's adventures when they are released in the future, and this series remains one of the most original and exciting urban fantasies out there, definitely ranking very high on my list of favourite series.