A review by lux_klara
Bound by Forever by S. Young, Samantha Young


Rating: 4 stars

This book had the same strenght of its predecessors. Engaging writing style, interesting plot and really well written character.
Just as in the previous book I really appreciate the way the couple is able to compliment and help each other to grow. The difference with the previous two books? I actually really liked the two characters. I may have wished sometimes that they confided more in one another (in the beginning of the story) but I don't really fault them for it. They had their reasons. And to be honest it's the frustration I felt as a reader was BECAUSE I ALREADY KNEW that they would be together, that they could trust one another and that they didn't really need to protect their secrets.
Obviously, tough, it doesn't make logical sense form them to open their heart to one another and tell their secrets from the get go. Realistically speaking, I would probably be the first one that would have wanted to wack them for their idiocity if they did, so the fact that they didn't is actually a good thing. I probably wouldn't have liked them and their relationship as much if they had behaved differently. In fact, I think their relationship developed really organically. So yea. My somewhat slight annoyance was
a) completely unreasonable and
b) caused not only by one good aspect of the book, but actually by one of its strongest point.