A review by lefttorread
Ragdoll by Daniel Cole


Ragdoll is a detective series following Detective William Fawkes known as The Wolf and Detective Emily Baxter, they first arrive at a crime scene to see parts of six different victims bodies sewn together to look like a puppet.

I loved the crime scene, it was original, gory and creepy. Daniel Cole written it well and throughout his writing flowed really well.

To begin with I loved the two detectives, especially Baxter with her quick wit and strong personality. But that love started to die down over half way through the story, Wolf began to get boring and Baxter got needy and irritating. I didn’t actually mind how Baxter acted near the end of the book but it bothered me how unlike her it seemed, she’s a strong woman that lets nothing bother her and all of a sudden she was drunk and vulnerable. I get everyone has their weaknesses but it was too sudden for my liking.

The story itself died down near the end too, it got dragged out too long for me and the actual ending to the story really disappointed me, it was very anticlimactic and boring ☹️

I’ve said it many times and I’ll keep saying it... Chris Carter has given me REALLY high standards when it comes to thrillers, I wasn’t surprised that I didn’t like this book as much as I like Carter’s books but I did expect to like this a lot more.

I am still interested in carrying on with the series I’m just hoping the books get stronger.
My Rating: ⭐️⭐️⭐️