A review by kayceslitlife
The Five Love Languages Singles Edition by Gary Chapman


Recently out of a seven year relationship, I chose to pick up this book I’ve heard so much about to re-evaluate how I show love to others and to question my own love language. I didn’t know what to expect when I started The Five Love Languages, I just felt at this particular time in my life it would be a good read. There is much truth in the value of a book based on the seasons in one’s life.

As stated above there are five love languages and these are not only how we prefer to be loved but also how we tend to show love to others. Everyone has a love language and some have more than one. All five are important, however, in different relationships, we just tend to feel love more from one over another. Giving love solicits receiving love and this book will open your eyes to how you can do that.

I won’t get personal on here but I will say that this book opened my eyes to a lot and I feel it was valuable time that I spent with Dr. Chapman and this book. For those with strained relationships among family, friends, coworkers, or roommates (for example) The Five Love Languages may help you realize how you can better relate to those people to improve the relationship. Dr. Chapman uses many examples and stories to guide you and better explain what he means. You may be surprised to see how people will respond differently than you expect or anticipate if they feel loved and valued.

Isn’t the deepest desire for any human to feel loved and to love others? So shouldn’t we all strive to be better at how we show our love to all of the special people in our lives? It’s a shame when you have to learn the hard way, but if you’re lucky enough you won’t take people for granted. Rather, you’ll speak their love language, connect on a deeper level and develop a strong and special bond.

If you are one of the few people who still has not read The Five Love Languages I encourage you to do so. If you are married, pick up a copy and read with your spouse. If you don’t know what your love language is, this edition has a self assessment in the back so you can identify what yours is.

Eye opening and significant, The Five Love Languages will change how you view the relationships in your life. After all, what the world needs now is love, sweet love.

4.5/5 stars
