A review by detailsandtales
The Unbalancing by R.B. Lemberg


This book is at once a gentle and painful story about two characters trying to save their home from destruction. What I love about this book is how much space each character is given to find their own way, and how much space the characters give each other. That's why the story felt so gentle to me. Even with all of the terrible things that happen, both protagonists are treated with such care and love by both the author and each other. I also appreciate how each character is very much their own person. One of the two protagonists is autistic, and this is clear by how they navigate the world, but they are out in the world, navigating it, and no one has any issues with their autism. In fact, the other protagonist makes space for their needs. I also appreciate the wide variety of gender identities, and the fact that no gender identity is judged to be lesser or forbidden. There are mentions of another place where a rigid gender binary is enforced, but in this particular community, all genders are equally welcome, as are all permutations of relationship. Despite the darkness present in this story, it was such a soothing read for me.