A review by carmencc94
Passenger by Alexandra Bracken


OH, MY WORD! I definitely recommend this book if you like time travel, treasure hunts around the globe, and romance.

I was skeptical to read this book and was unsure on how to approach it, however, once I got started I could not set it down. I was upset that there wasn't more. It did, however, have a slow start and picked up as it went along. Passenger gives time traveling a whole new unexpected twist, it goes against everything you thought you knew about time travel. It has a fast-evolving love story between the two main characters,one from the 21st century and the other was from the 18th century (very star-crossed lovers). Etta was very independent and ready to defend herself without the need of a man. While Nicholas being from the 18th century and respectful was ever the man, who wanted to protect and defend Etta, when she could clearly do it herself.