A review by thephdivabooks
The Thinnest Air by Minka Kent


3.5 Stars!!!

I have heard the best things about Minka Kent from other book lovers, so I was beyond excited to read my first book by her, The Thinnest Air! It was a fast-paced thriller that was hard to put down! Kent is an incredible writer, and I really enjoyed the central characters in this book. This was a buddy read with Kendall and Holly, and we all had different theories about what was really going on throughout the book—and none of us were correct!

About the Book

Meredith Price has a gorgeous, rich husband, two high maintenance step kids, and a dream home in the mountains. But what she doesn’t have are friends. Meredith comes from a different world than the other wives—she’s nearly a decade younger, didn’t come from money, and not accustomed to the social scene they circulate in. But Meredith loves her husband, and she is so grateful for how kind and attentive he is.

And then one day, Meredith goes missing…

Her car is found outside the grocery store with her keys, purse, and cell phone still inside and the door wide open. Where is Meredith? As the police begin an intensive search, the gossip mills start to churn. Why would a women who is happy in her life disappear? Was she taken? Did she run? Or is something more sinister going on?

Meredith’s sister Greer knows something is wrong…

When the police don’t find anything after 24 hours, Greer knows that all is not as it seems with her sister’s disappearance. Why haven’t the police been interviewing the neighbors and friends of Meredith? Why does her husband seem so calm? As Greer begins to look deeper into her sister’s life, she realizes that Meredith kept many secrets. And one of them may be the key to finding her…


The book is told from two points of view—Meredith’s story about meeting her husband Andrew, their marriage, and ultimately up to the day of her disappearance, and Greer’s story starting the day Meredith disappears. I always find this works well, because we got a lot of Greer in the past through Meredith’s story, and learned more about what Meredith may have shared or not shared through Greer.

Greer is definitely the breakout star of this book! She was sassy and loving—tough on the outside but tender underneath. She is also an incredibly awesome big sister. I think we would all be glad to have a big sister like her! Hearing about how she felt more like a mother to Meredith than their own mother was so touching. Greer and Meredith have an incredible bond that was apparent even through the difficult times.

And there were some other characters that were fun additions! The boyishly-handsome detective, Ronan, the mysterious, sarcastic ex to Greer, Harris, the thin and retouched ex-wife, Erica, the bratty step kids, Isabeau and Calder (those names!!!), and the reserved best friend, Allison. Many of these characters were a bit clichéd, such as the ex- and the step kids, but I think that is because it was told from Meredith’s perspective. She feels like an outsider still in this pampered world, so I don’t know that she was able to see the depth to those individuals who shunned her.

I mentioned earlier that the big twist really did get me! I do wish that there had been a bit more substance to the fallout of the twist at the end. Things were tied up all neat-and-tidy, which I think will appeal to some readers. I like a bit of mess with my thrillers, and that feeling of “what just happened??”

I am looking forward to reading more from Minka Kent!

Thank you to NetGalley, Thomas & Mercer, and Minka Kent for an advanced copy of this book in exchange for an honest review.