A review by tatyanavogt
Grip by Kennedy Ryan


So I am going to be honest, I was not into this book for probably the whole first half. I felt no connection to the main characters, I even thought our main female characters was kinda annoying. I didn't know what I was supposed to want, I felt like I had nothing to root for or to care for.

BUT once I got to the middle I started to like the main couple, and by the last third I was not only invested but some shit was going down! I LOVED the last third of this book, so much so that I was tempted to give this book 4 stars despite my complete and total disinterest for half of the book.

Kennedy Ryan is good at writing drama. Suspenseful, high stakes moments that leave you totally envolved and engaged. I was in it once the shit hit the fan and I loved seeing how everything played out. I was even more excited by the no bullshit approach she has to her characters interacting.

Anyway, its a good book, I didn't like the beginning but I loved the end. I wish she did a better job of giving me a reason to care about the characters early on because this could have been a new favorite.

Spoiler thoughts:
I LOVE LOVE LOVE the fact that she told grip what that shit head peter was trying to get her to do. I LOVE that when they did talk to each other, they didn't lie. I loved the openness between them.

I WILL admit that I am not a fan of relationships that revolve around characters lying or keeping important shit from each other so that is possibly one of the reasons I didn't enjoy the first half of the book. Since this is a second chance story.. But I will say that doesn't really bug me too much in the beginning because it makes sense that people wont share that kinda info if they are not close. But I felt like it was just DRAGGED out.

I also felt like the reasoning she had for not wanting to be with grip didn't always feel believable. Like when I try to think about it from her perspective I can sort of get it, but I didn't really FEEL it during the story. And I feel like it would have been nicer to feel her fear.

I kinda wish she hinted more at the fact that Bristol couldnt remember ANYTHING from the peter thing but could remember hazy bits from the second time she got black out drunk. Later having her remember that her lack of memory was even worse than normal felt convenient.

And I think I have more thoughts but I am so sleepy that my brain is turning to mush so I'm going to go to be instead. I enjoyed the book.