A review by beckymmoe
Searching for Mine: A Searching For Novella by Jennifer Probst


A nice addition to the Searching For series!

I wasn't quite sure on my way in to this one--teacher/student is not one of my favorite troupes. Most of the story was kept out of the classroom, though, and both Ella and Connor are in their thirties, so it was less of an issue than I feared. Most of their developing relationship happens at home--naturally they find out they're neighbors--and that made the progression into a relationship more believable and palatable.

I really liked how they became friends first and then fully realized their attraction, though the fact that it took Connor until after Ella's makeover to give in to it--quite a while after they shared their first kiss--bothered me. (As it did the heroine--when she confronts him I was ready to stand up and cheer, You go, girl!)

Still, I liked the two together and was rooting for Connor to get his head out of his butt and figure himself out already. Fortunately, as it was a novella, it didn't take him too long, and Ms. Probst has him make his declaration in a very sweet way.

Of course Nate and Kennedy's story ([b:Searching for Perfect|17570751|Searching for Perfect (Searching For, #2)|Jennifer Probst|https://d.gr-assets.com/books/1384898832s/17570751.jpg|24510202]) is the one book in the series I haven't read yet--must change that soon! I'm interested to see the "before" version of Connor ;)

Rating: 4 stars / B+

I received a complimentary copy in exchange for an honest review.