A review by ruthsic
The Navigator's Touch by Julia Ember


Warnings (as provided on publisher's site, and in the book): murder of a child, beating with a belt, discussion of torture, animal death, graphic depiction of battle injuries, depiction of a human-eating monster, graphic execution, imprisonment of children, violence, depiction of kidnapping

Companion to [b:The Seafarer's Kiss|32890474|The Seafarer's Kiss (The Seafarer's Kiss #1)|Julia Ember|https://images.gr-assets.com/books/1483057856s/32890474.jpg|53505399], this book continues the story from Ragna's perspective as she seeks to get revenge on those who harmed her village, as well as hoping to find her lost cousin. Since being a captain on her own ship (well, which she won), she has to decide how to effectively lead her crew into what promises to be a battle. Additionally, she also has to gain allies to defeat the people who invaded her village. Her one currency in this whole thing is her god-given power to have maps to what she seeks, and with Loki seeking to use this power, it is a battle of wills and deals.

The world-building in this book is naturally quite different to that in the previous, and has Ragna growing into a leader from a warrior. She is hard, and bitter, and constantly paranoid of her crew, which doesn't make for a good voyage. Additionally, her superstitious crew is afraid of Ersel's presence, which is at times an asset to Ragna, but also drives a wedge in their relationship as Ersel is tired of being used for herself. Their romance is significantly better developed this time around, which is funny because this is the book that is NOT focusing on their romance. Anyway, between Ersel's fear of Loki, Loki seeking out Ragna, and Ragna seeking a Jarl's alliance, it makes for an interesting multi-layered plot.

There are many new characters introduced in this book, prominently Aslaug and Honor, the latter being the Jarl Ragna seeks favor from, and the former being Honor's right-hand warrior. The book shows further inclusion by having Honor being a black woman Jarl, and Aslaug as a non-binary character, who is in love with Honor. Through Honor, Ragna learns how to be a better captain for her crew, and manages to free her village's kids from captivity. The ending again leaves on an open note, but Ragna's story is still resolved well enough.

Shortly, a good companion novel with an interesting plot.

Received an advance reader copy in exchange for a fair review from Interlude Press, via Netgalley.