A review by michael_benavidez
The Terror and the Coming of the Terror by William Simmons


Note: I was given a copy of this book by Shadow House Publishing for the Morbidly Beautiful site.

Always a fan of classic literature, it's one thing to keep in mind that because they're classics, and because they're from a different age, they can be a bit harder to read. And boy if that wasn't the case with this one.
A fantastic story, mystery, and atmospheric in the best sort of ways. However, its length really works against it. Parts meander, things go on for too long, at times there doesn't seem to be a point, at least not until we get to story beats that are truly inspired. That said, it is a great story, it is a tale that should not be forgotten, and a must read.
If you don't want to go through the whole sort of long lulls in the story, this copy from SHP includes the short story version of the novel/novella "The Coming of the Terror" which in my opinion is far more tighter, straight to the point (although does lose a tiny bit of the gut punch if only because of its length. Sort of a damned if you do, damned if you don't situation).