A review by tofugitive
Hurricane Girl by Marcy Dermansky


This was an interesting book, and I say interesting because of how my expectations were shaped. I saw the humor tag, and the friend who recommended it to me for her book club said it had a humorous tone and was funny at times. By the end of the 5 hours of the audiobook, I was mostly horrified. From predatory men to traumatic brain injury caused by violence against women to a questionable relationship with a medical provider, the whole thing seemed more horrific than funny. I guess tonally there were a few amusing or funny moments, but even those were overshadowed when you factored in the cause (TBI).

That being said, it was a good read. Not that I have any direct experience with TBI or someone who has experienced a TBI, but that part especially seemed well-written. Interestingly, Marcy Dermansky said in the aforementioned book club that she also doesn't have any experience with that but has been complimented by people who do. I do wish it was a little longer because I wanted to see more into the story Allison's relationships and ongoing conflicts and what the conclusions or next steps were, but I guess those weren't the point.