A review by kellyrenea
Moby Dick by Herman Melville


A Definite American Classic

I’ve always wanted to read Moby Dick, but always assumed I didn’t have enough time, or stamina. This year I am not allowing that reasoning to hold me back from accomplishing something I’ve always wanted to do. Read the classics.

I’ve got to give Melville credit. He wrote a classic that has and will stand the test of time. I will never forget Quee Quag, Ishmael, Pip, or Ahab. The imagery of the whale, the ship, and the ocean will stay with me.

Did it need to be as long as it was? This is debatable. I don’t know if I needed to learn so much about the life on the ship, the never ending days of monotony, or all the parts of a whale. Yet, it did add depth to the novel, and gave the feeling of being on a whaling vessel for 2-3 years. A life I can barely imagine, much less want to live.

Still, all in all, a definite classic that shouldn’t be missed.