A review by jessicadoom
Vampires Never Get Old: Tales with Fresh Bite by Natalie C. Parker, Zoraida Córdova


"Seven Nights for Dying" - There are aspects about this story that I do like such as the extension of choice in becoming a vampire. Surely this is a huge decision and having that time to think it over sounds key. But the narrator's age is never fully defined and she alludes to this vampire, who in her words is "old", getting sexual with her specifically as a teenager. I dunno...maybe I'm a prude, but it eeked me a bit.
"The Boys from Blood River" - I really would like to see an expanded version of this story. I find the myth of these boys intriguing and Lukas' attraction to Silas was very believable.
"Senior Year Sucks" - Who could ever complain about that kind of ending or the enemies to lovers trope??
"The Boy and the Bell" - This one had a perfect ending, as well. Just *chef's kiss*
"A Guidebook for the Newly Sired Desi Vampire" - Couldn't finish it after they started talking about killing tourists. The entire "story" up to that point made me feel like I was pointedly left out of the conversation.
"In Kind" - This was a great revenge story! It didn't quite take the turn I was expecting it to, but I really was satisfied with it anyway.
"Vampires Never Say Die" - Predictable ending, but cute anyway.
"Bestiary" - For a good half of this one, I was pretty confused. That can easily happen when you're trying to keep some mystery and keep just poking at the secrets without giving everything away. I feel like we never really got to the root of the problem, either. Seemed like the story ended just as we were getting to the point.
"Mirrors, Windows and Selfies" - The idea was solid and the Tumblr style was different. But I want more resolution and answers!
"The House Of Black Sapphires" - Speaking of no resolution.... I felt like it was finally going somewhere and then...it just ended??? Going to need a full novel for this one, too.
"First Kill" - I am very glad there's going to be a Netflix series for this one because, nope, that was not enough. Very invested in these confused baby queers!
Overall, the stories were more solid that a lot of story anthologies I've read lately. I was also very much surprised and pleased with all the queer content. I could've done without the editors' little comments, but that's easily looked past when you skip reading them entirely.