A review by africreole
Seductive Temptation by Elisabeth, Shani Greene-Dowdell, Sade Rena, Peyton Banks, Reana Malori, Theresa Hodge, Posey Parks, Kiarra M. Taylor, Donna R. Mercer, Janae Keyes, L.B. Keen, M.L. Preston


A nice collaboration of stories

I generally enjoyed most of the stories presented in this boxset. There was only one of all of the stories I did not feel the chemistry with the plot or characters. My favorite was "Karma" by Donna R. Mercer. It was my first book read by her and I will be seeking more. My next favorite was
"Forever Harley" by Elisabeth.

The Following is how I see the book in this anthology.

Retain Me – Peyton Banks
This was a story about a young attorney working in her father’s law firm where she’d just earned her promotion as a partner. She was very concerned about her reputation and abilities as a very good lawyer when she fell for the man who owned the company she just started representing, King Industries. She wanted their relationship to be on the down low because she was afraid that it would be assumed that she got the job by sleeping her way up. But what Avari Ingram found out was that it was nice to have a man, her man Shane King, to have her back.

A Hero’s Love – Posey Parks
I loved this story. Malaysia Newton sacrificed her lifestyle to come back to Boston to help her family out of financial trouble. She had a BS Degree from U.C. at Berkeley in Marketing and was now working for a small marketing firm in Boston along with another waitressing job to keep her parents from losing everything. All she needed was a few more months and she would be going back to California where her life was better. She did not have time for a relationship or dating. All she wanted was a drink and food to eat when she went to Old Jack’s Bar that day. She did not expect to fall for the sexy Dr. Ethan Daniels, Massachusetts General’s best neurosurgeon. All she wanted was an O.H. or occasional hookup. But the good doctor wanted more. He did not have time for a girlfriend or a relationship either but he was desperate to see where an #O.H. would lead them. Malaysia had too many #OH rules that Ethan broke down and refused to adhere by. He was hooked and wanted more. Malaysia was his and he was determined to keep her.

It was not until the good doctor saved her hardheaded brother Jordan’s life that she actually admitted to herself that she loved him enough not to leave Boston. It was then that Ethane took control of their relationship and Malaysia realized she liked being loved by a take charge kind of guy.

Posey wrote a story that had my attention from beginning to end. I was cheering on Ethan’s attempts to break own Malaysia’s stubborn walls. Ethan was the kind of guy who championed the little guy. He tickled me when he confronted Malaysia’s building super. He hated seeing how Malaysia lived trying to help out her family. It was dirty what Dr. Harper Stephens did out of jealousy. But everything worked out in the end. Ethan got his girl anyway and their HEA. This was a great well plotted story.

Forever Harley’s – Elisabeth
I loved this story! I always pull for the underdog. Poor Monroe Roderick could not understand why her mother and sister treated her like trash. It was only years later after the death of both parents at her sister’s engagement party that she find out why. With a sister like Estelle, who needs enemies. Essy left her baby sister high and dry to suffer alone and twist in the homeless wind, when she could have helped her sister and prevent the anguished life she led back home in Athens, Georgia.

Monroe and Dominic Harley were the best of friends since childhood and they both loved each other but never voiced that love for one another until the day of Dom’s mother’s funeral. Then he disappeared without a call, letter, or email. For seven years Roe hated him for abandoning her. And Dom was mad as hell at Roe for not taking his calls or answering his letters. When they saw each other again after all those years apart, they figured out who was behind all of the miscommunication and why. Harley had never abandoned Roe as she thought. But what they did realize was that their love for each other never died but had strengthened over the years and re-flared up the minute they saw each other again after seven years. The jealous evil sister got just what she deserved, while Monroe walked off into the sunset with her prince charming Dominic Harley for their HEA.

I would love to read more about Dom and Roe, especially after getting to the Netherlands. I think there is more of a story to be told here. This was a great story that was well done.

Pose for the Camera – Kiarra M. Taylor
Kelendria “Kelly” Towers is just one-month paycheck away from being broke. She needs this modeling gig to survive. Jase Reynold has the dreams of being a high-end male fashion model but he needs the exposure for his portfolio. They both take on a couples modeling job for some BWWM author’s upcoming bookset. This story gives the insight of what models go through on a set for these romance books. It also shows how two people can become enamored with each other by being in such close proximity to one another during the shoots. Even though Jase wants Kelly badly, she is adamant about not dating anyone on the job. She is determined to remain professional while they are under contract. Once they have finished, all bets are off

Love Me Endlessly – Theresa Hodge
When Khadejah Butler catches her fiance Darren in the midst of flagrante delicto with her baby sister Kee Kee, she swore off of men to the point to movved on the other side of the country and started a new job. When Seth Redding sees her crying and tries to console her, he knew then and there he wanted her. The only problem Seth had was that he had the reputation of being the towns playboy with a harem of women everywhere. And, the last women he had a special arrangement with is catching feelings. He knew that it was time for him to give up those ways and in Dejah, he wanted to do just that. She deserved a better man and he was determined to be that better man for her. With her, he could see having children, a home and her being his wife and that was just what he aimed to do. What I did not like about this story is that for someone who swore off of men. Dejah sure changed her mind when it came to Seth.

The Designer- M.L. Preston
I really enjoyed this story by M.L. Preston. The story’s setting is in New Orleans which is almost like home to me since I am from south Louisiana on the bluffs of the Mississippi River surrounded by bayous. When she mentioned Deanie’s I almost lost it. That’s my favorite place to go for seafood in the Crescent City. Most stories are centered either on the east or west coast and this was a refreshing change as I can totally relate especially to the unique Naulins brogue. It’s definitely unique. Baa-by na dats what I’m talkin’ ‘bout.

I enjoyed reading about Brent Phillips and Kara Brown’s instant attractions. The chemistry was most certainly there. I prefer a little more of a chase in my romance stories but this was the mystical and mysterious city of New Orleans. I hope the author does a series on this couple. I’m sure the architect and the designer have more stories to tell.

Take Me Slow- Shani Greene- Dowdell
This story tickled me even though it was of a very serious topic. Every time Yandy “Arie” Martin and Blaze Wells try to hook up, something happens to get in the way. It’s either construction, weather, fire or a cranky old lady. Neither one of them knows that the other is working undercover law enforcement. The moment they see each other, their undercover job intent goes out of the window. They are extremely attracted to each other and they have no control over their feelings for one another. They hide their true identity until they could not anymore with the new news coming in about sex trafficking. In an effort to protect each other, they come clean, and both are relieved that now they can be out in the open with each other but Yandy’s partner Sloan is not happy about she and Blaze’s HEA. I can see a series written on these two are the main reason why Yandy went undercover was not resolved. Maybe Sloan should find another love interest of his own in his own book.

Karma- Donna Mercer
I just loved this story. This was my first read by Donna and I will be looking for more of her books to read in the future. The romance of Sabrina Karma Maxwell and Buck Raleigh was so light and refreshing with lots of humor in the plot. Karma has such an eccentric personality. Her car Old Betsy had as much Karma as Karma. That car was leading her to her soulmate and would not start up until both Karma and Buck realized they belonged to each other. It was only then when they both committed to their HEA that the car started.

Karma was looking for something she was missing in life. She did everything her parents wanted her to do. She went to college and got her B.S. degree, worked with her Dad and now it was her turn to find her own destiny. Old Betsy lead her straight to Buck, the Jar Head who spent ten years in the Marines and saw visions that he could not shake away. He suffered from PTSD and nightmares every night only giving him less than five hours of sleep a night. The moment he rescued Karma and Old Betsy from the mountainside and towed them to his garage, he had the urge, for the first time in a long time, to live. She gave him his life back and the reason to live back, including more peaceful and restful sleep.

I can see Donna writing a series about this couple and Raleigh Valley or One Stop, Colorado. I can even see a story written about Buck’s brother Blaze. He seems to have several stories to tell himself.

Dark Angel- Reanna Malori
Maxwell Bishop was a man known to deal in underhanded business. Kiana Moore was an attorney who knew that having a relationship with Max could ruin her career. But neither one of them could resist the other. Max was afraid that if Kiana found out about his background and illegal business that he would lose her forever. He had to convince her to stay. It was not until she was forced to work with him on a professional basis that she put her foot down and demanded him to open up to her. She forced both Max and his bro/ friend Nicola Mitchell, to hire her as their personal attorney so they could be totally comfortable telling all. Max understood that he had to be totally honest and open to Ki if he wanted to keep her. By this time, she was so in love with Max and his mother and Big Momma that the hounds from hell could not drag her away from him.

This story was not very clear on what kind of underhanded or legit business that Max and Nico were involved in but implied. The details about the trip that Max and Nico went on was not very clear either. I can see another book spinning off about Nico and Vivi though. There is definitely a story to be told there. This story did not hold my attention as some of the other works done by Malori.

Twisted Game: Her Revenge, His Desire- L.B. Keen
What a dark romance story! This one had a different spin than I’ve ever read. Latoya “Toya” Clayton and Connor Blitz both had problems with losing people they loved dearly as children. Toya and her mother Celeste had been abandoned by her father. Connor had been kidnapped and witnessed his mother’s assassination. He vowed to never to love again if it meant losing someone he loved. What made his psychosis focus on Toya and bully her in high school, she could not figure out, but she was determined to get her revenge on him ten years later when he was introduced as the son of her mother’s new fiance.

Connor’s character was one I immediately disliked in this story but came to understand his hesitance in opening his heart to anyone. He was a coward and his father Hunter Blitz had to call him out on it. He was in love with the object of his persecution and it was driving him crazy. Latoya waited ten years to reunite with the man who had the same messed up mind and she loved him too, enough to save his life. So what happens when a psychopath and a sociopath hook up, they fall into explosive love, indulging each other with their crazy desire for each other. The game that Toya reinitiated that Connor started ten years ago was fun until they both foolishly or not so foolishly both got caught up in it.

I would love to read another story on how these two faired in their relationship and how their parents reacted to their relationship. Maybe there’s a story on Toya’s roommate and Connor’s friends Lesly and Grant. I’m sure there are more stories to be told here.

Roll the Dice – Janae Keyes
I did not get this story at all. I did not feel the chemistry between the CEO Nicholas Sullivan and analyst Layla Hudson. The story moved too fast. There was no build up to the climax. I can understand Layla’s wanting to be the best single divorced mother she could be, especially after the death of one her twin sons and dealing with not only her grief but her surviving son’s as well. She and Nicholas had a lot in common where that is concerned. He felt guilty over the death of his younger brother, especially since his brother Theo took the blame for what happened and their mother never forgave him. I thought Layla’s reaction was little too much and a little too late. Yes, it was a lie of omission, but she was a willing participant in her boss’ scheme to have her after only a brief first meeting months prior. Theo needs to get over himself. He was the one who decided to take the fall for his brother’s death instead of Nicholas and spent five years in prison so Nicholas could have a successful life. IMHO, the story could have been a little longer. It’s the biggest reason I really don’t care for short stories, not enough time for character or story development.

The Boyfriend Experience – Sade Rena
This was an enjoyable refreshing and cute romance that started out very unconventional. Sabrina Rogers was all into her business as CEO of Dynamix PR, that she started and received an AVA award for her business acumen. Unbeknownst to her, her ex and his finance are on the same cruise when she is saved from his harassment by an unsuspecting devilishly handsome man, Jackson Mitchells, a successful investor that, at first irritates the hell out of Sabrina but then he wears on her. He’s been wanting to meet her since he saw her at the awards and wanted to get to know her. After getting into a couple of altercations with her ex, she had seconds thoughts about a relationship with Jackson but soon comes to realize that she had more fun with him than she had in a very long time. I liked this story because Jackson actually pursued Sabrina and they just did not get between the sheets on first meeting. He was sweet, chivalrous and alpha all in one.