A review by jugiacobelli
Soulmates by Elizabeth Chandler


Ok, this one is the best of the 3, buuuuut... I can't give it more than 3 stars because there's no character development. I finished the books without a clue of what Ivy's, or Will's, or Philip's personalities are like. And I miss that, because I tend to get attatched to characters. In this series, I just couldn't get attatched to anyone. Plain characters, poor development.

The only "good" thing is the roller coaster of emotions, and because of that, Soulmates is better than the first 2 books.

Still... it's a poor series. It's those kind of books that I ask myself: How the hell did this become a bestseller? O_O

But, who am I to judge? LOL

Anyways, just read this series because I had to. I hope book 4 is the last one, because I really don't wanna read more >