A review by michalice
Renegade by Debra Driza


I am really disappointed that it took me so long to get to reading Renegade. While I did struggle trying to remember who was with which side, as soon as I had it all figured out I flew through the pages. Renegade was just as good as Mila 2.0 was, and once again I was left to wonder who was really on Mila's side, and who was trying to capture her.

Mila is resilient, tough, and a fighter, and each new thing she learns about herself we learn along with her, and she has some amazing new abilities that I really wouldn't mind myself, as long as I wasn't an android. I love her critical thinking, her determination to see things through and to keep fighting to the very end. Her growing feelings towards Hunter added a little extra human qualities to her, and made you root for her that extra bit more (if you weren't already rooting for her) As the story progressed my thoughts about Hunter went up and down, one minute I liked him, but then something suspicious would happen and I would doubt my feelings once again.

Some things were revealed in Renegade that had been left unanswered in Mila 2.0, and some of these answers were a shock. But we are also left with some more questions left unanswered, and I really need to know the answers to these, especially after the ending. One thing that really surprised me was the revelation of who Hunter's parents are, that was one I never thought of at all, but it was also a shock to Hunter, and up to that point I really had no idea who's side he was on.

Renegade was another unputdownable read from Debra, from one chapter to another I never knew what to expect, or what Debra would throw into the mix, and just when you think you have it all figured out BAM!!!! everything is blown away and you have to rethink everything you thought you knew. Debra has managed to weave a spell of mystery, suspense, and romance and leave you wanting more. The countdown is on for the next book.