A review by mbenzz
The House at Riverton by Kate Morton


Ok, first let me start by saying I really loved this story. The beginning was a little slow, but once it picked up, it was impossible to put down. Now, this is a difficult book to review because after finding out the ending (which was a TOTAL surprise!) I had a few questions about things that just didn't make sense to me. Unfortunately, I can't really get into them here without the risk of giving something away. I'll try though.

One of the biggest things I didn't get was, why was Grace the only person Hannah would talk to during the period when she spent all her time in the library? After everything that had happened, and the REASON for it happening, I would think Grace would be the LAST person she'd want to see. Also, you would think one of the first things Hannah asked her about, after everything was said and done, was the whole shorthand thing. I just find it hard to believe that she would mention it only as a casual statement months later...it was a HUGE thing! Ok...I'll stop there. Only people who read the book would really understand what I mean, but overall, these are just small complaints.

If you like family saga's and early twentieth-century fiction, then you should LOVE this book. I really connected with the main characters and could picture myself at Riverton, and Seventeen Grosvenor. Ms. Morton certainly has a way with descriptions. I look forward to reading more of her novels, and aside from the few things that didn't make sense to me, I absolutely recommend it.