A review by wingsandfables
The Diary of a Young Girl by Anne Frank


Everyone knows the story of Anne Frank, whether it's from the history books, hearing it in ordinary life, a movie (my personal favorite that depicts her life is BBC's Masterpiece Classic: The Diary of Anne Frank, it's amazingly true to her diary), or reading her diary itself. Anne Frank's story is something I think everyone should read, whether you're interested in WWII and Hitler's terror over the Jewish people or not.
Anne's diary captured me from the beginning to the end of it. It's an amazing glimpse into the life and struggles of Jewish people during Hitler's reign. It's similar to Number the Stars; however, the diary is written from Anne's own point of view instead of from an outsider's point of view as is the case with Number the Stars. Her entries are interesting (she consciously made an effort to make them so) and very well-written. It's hard to believe that she was so young because her writing style is so accomplished! Amazing read. Well worth the time.