A review by bookscoffeephotography
Worth the Risk by Jamie Beck


This is the third book in the St. James series. At this point I have become so attracted to the characters, and I am not ready for this series to end! Jamie Beck is one of my favorite authors, she has a way of writing that keeps you wanting more.

This book is from Jackson’s point of view. Jackson decides to take a vacation to Vermont, to get away for a bit. He has been having a hard time lately, and needs to get away and clear his head.

Jackson is ready to get away, and focus on bettering himself. That is until he meets the daughter of his landlord, Gabby. Gabby has not been on an easy path of life either, with being a single mom at a young age. Gabby had to put her dreams on hold due to her son, but she also wouldn’t have it any other way.

Little do they realize, they are the perfect distractions in one another’s life right now. They both have issues going on in their lives, and can work together to help each other through them.

I can’t say much more without giving the book away. But, this was the perfect book to wrap up the series! I loved how each book was told from a different persons point of view. If you haven’t read this series yet, I highly suggest it!