A review by spaces_and_solaces
Murder in Manhattan by Dorothy Salisbury Davis, The Adams Round Table, Mary Higgins Clark, Thomas Chastain, Whitley Strieber


Written & set in olden times, I say olden times, but I really mean the 80’s, this book is a combination of multiple talented authors combining their love for mystery, murder and mayhem along with the love of New York City to give us this highly unique concept book.
If you love noir murder mysteries like Knives Out this book is for you. There are 8 chapters in all, each written by a different author and each set in a different borough of New York City.
I probably had one of the most interesting experiences reading this book! Every chapter you read has a different voice to it, a different feel and some of those were a hit but some misses too.
The feeling of unexpectedness that flows from the differences in prose & plot is what gripped me rather than the actual mystery.
Actually, I’ll go a step further & say that the mysteries were all rather basic – the atmosphere though was very fitting for a story to be set in that era & solved according to the rules & limitations followed culturally and procedurally.
The main selling point of this book is the fact that it’s written by 8 especially talented mystery writers during the 80’s & it also plays into the drawback of it not being modern, fast, or intense considering the books we have now.