A review by beckyrendon
Craft by Adriana Locke


Lance Gibson is the nerdy one of the Gibson boys. I say "nerdy" but he's also a play boy with zero remorse about his need to never have anything that ends with "ship". He is ridiculously hot. Like ovaries melt on sight regardless of marital status, kind of hot. But he is also smart, kind, and caring- in short he's freaking kryptonite to every woman on the planet and even some floating in space. This intelligent, cocky man has it all figured out or he did before Mariah.

There are plenty of things to squeal about. There are "awwwwe" moments. There are smack him upside the head moments. There are even shake some sense into her moments. My favorite moments, though, are the ones that make your insides smile. Oh and anything with Nana. Nana is d-bomb diggity!

I love the Gibson boys and I will forever be curious and begging for more. Ms. Locke is going to have her hands full with these trouble makers but I look forward to every word.

Reviewed for Naughty Book Blog