A review by luellen1990
Why Mummy Swears by Gill Sims


Why Mummy Swears by Gill Sims

Title - Why Mummy Swears
Author - Gill Sims
Published - July '18
Publisher - Harper Collins
Genre - #Humour #Biographical Fiction
Pages - 362
Price on Amazon - Hardback - £3.99 Kindle - £4.99
ISBN- 0008284210

A mum, a dad and two kids. Dad's always away on fancy business trips, the son is permanently attached to his iPad and the daughter is determined to get an Instagram account and become an internet sensation. Meanwhile mum is trying to hold it all together and start a new job where she might have accidentally let people think she's a single party girl, rather than a married mother of two. How long can she keep up the facade? She has also taken on the PTA and the other parents are less than helpful.

Well, what to say about this book, other than the fact that I laughed all the way through from start to finish. This book was so wonderfully written and hilarious. All mothers should be made to read this book, in fact, I think all parents should be made to read this book.

I don't think I have a single bad thing to say about this book, amazingly written, with fantastic characters and a wonderfully humorous plot. I couldn't put it down. I cannot wait to read more by this author. In fact, I have Why Mummy Drinks on my TBR list.

Thank You to Netgalley for providing me with an advanced copy of this book in exchange for an honest review.

Rating - Five out of Five Stars
Would I Read Again? - Yes
Would I Recommend? - Yes
Would I read other books by the same author? - Yes

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