A review by booksrlush_
Anna and the French Kiss by Stephanie Perkins



To start i would just like to say that Stephanie Perkins is an absolute genius, the way she described Paris made me think i was actually there. Its made me add Paris to the list of places i want to go. I also loved the way that she made me fall in love with the characters. At first i wasn't sure if i was going to like it because the book had so much hype surrounding it, but all the book tubers that recommended this novel were right. This book deserves all the hype it gets and more because it is so loveable in every way and it made my night. It was a fun and a light hearted read, I recommend this to everyone!!!


OK, on to the best parts. First my favourite character was of course Étienne St. Caire the way his character was written was so well done i knew i loved him right from the start even before Anna realised she loved him. I thought he was charming, perfect and sweet but also protective and flawed all at the same time. Even from the start i knew he was a good guy and i was right. YAY!! He knew he loved Anna but he was not sure about change, he had been with Ellie for a while and she was safe to him. But when his mother gets cancer that just scared even more into not wanting change. i was just waiting for him and Ellie to break up.
Ellie ARGH... my least favourite character she seemed selfish. When she went to collage she left Rash, Mer and Josh behind thinking she was to good for them. Obviously Rash took it the hardest because Ellie was her best friend.. What kind of best friend dose that any way!! (You are to good for her anyway Rashmi) Also the fact that Étienne couldn't speak to her about his mother cause she just didn't get it was truly sad. Stop being so self-obsessed.

My favourite scene(s). My first favourite scene is when Anna and Étienne are together and Anna makes a wish. "I wish for whatevers best for me" little did Anna what was the best thing for her, the best thing that was gonna happen to her was standing right there. Étienne..
My second favourite scene was when Étienne came home drunk and spilled his guts to Anna about how he felt about her and then puked all over her, YUCK. But still it was the first time he actually told her and even though he was drunk he really did mean it!
Third favourite was clearly the ending when Étienne faces his biggest fear (heights) to tell Anna he loves her and he always has and he done on the top of Notre Freaking Dame. How romantic is that? (it must have been LOVE because i am petrified of heights)

Worst scene(s) When David spreds that rumour about Anna, that she slept with him. YUCK! She would have never in a millions years. she was only with you because she was confused about Étienne thats all, you were nothing to her. You just got jealous because you realised she was never into you and you got dumped (technically)
Next is when Meredith sees Anna and Étienne kissing, she gets so heart broken. I felt sorry for her i did, but she should have known it was gonna happen and she should have braced herself for it. But I'm glad her and Anna make up and Meredith moved on.

Saddest scene(s) I found it just heart breaking was when Étienne gets the call and finds out his mother has cancer and he's not aloud to see her. I cried. His father is prick who wouldn't allow there child to see there sick mother! I wanted to punch him every time he was brought up.
I also thought it was sad when Anna goes home and she's all excited to she Bridge, Toph and Seany. But then she gets home to find out that Seany had a little crush on Bridge cause she had been babysitting him and that bridge was buy him toys that Anna had bought him. To make it all a hundred times worse when she finally goes to see the band play she get excited. To then find out that Toph was (in his words) screwing Bridge. My heart went out to Anna. But i knew it would be ok cause she really didn't need Tohp she had Étienne he was all she needed.

Overall i thought this book was a perfect pick for contemporary mood. I feel i couldn't have loved this book anymore than i do. It was beautifully written and made smile and chuckle quite offend. i recommend this to everyone!

Hope you enjoyed my review. Read this book you wont be disappointed.