A review by amyaislin
Hot Potato by Allison Temple


This must've been exactly what I was in the mood to read because I opened it up, started reading, and never wanted to put it down. And all of that has to do with the cutest cinnamon roll character ever, Avery, who's the most adorable thing since bunnies. I adored everything about him.

There were times I felt disconnected from his love interest, Lincoln, but he and Avery were a good fit together, and I enjoyed their friends to lovers romance.

Three, possibly four, subplots remained unresolved by the end of the novel
Lincoln's dad, Lincoln's roommate, Avery's uncle's family business, and the "possibly four" is things with Mickey
, which did leave me with some questions when I finished, but overall? Incredibly well-written and it brings out all the feels. I laughed out loud, I cried on public transit, and I wanted to hug Avery and give him a comforting pat on the head throughout the entire thing. Highly enjoyable and recommended.

*ARC provided by LesCourt Author Services*