A review by jess_mango
Nervous Energy: Harness the Power of Your Anxiety by Chloe Carmichael


Nervous Energy is a guide "for high functioning individuals to take control of their anxiety". So, what is a high functioning individual? Think of someone that pretty much has their life together and is a perfectionist, but, in this case, is getting overwhelmed by anxiety. In "normal life" I may be considered a high functioning individual, but during COVID quarantine, I am more of a "just keeping it together"-slouch in sweatpants.

In this book, Dr. Chloe Carmichael offers up her techniques to help get a handle on anxiety. Carmichael has a pHD in psychology and has spent some time as a yoga/mindfulness instructor as well. Her tips are a blend of the two. The first 33% of the book is an intro of sorts and the last two thirds discuss the techniques, with a full 10% of the book dedicated to "The Three-Part Breath". I am a fan of breathing. But I don't need 30+ pages about how to breathe deeply. I would've strongly preferred if the book was more succinct. I am someone who strongly believes in K.I.S.S (Keep It Simple, Stupid) when it comes to guides, so all of the extra words and such in each section started to make me....well, a bit anxious. Overall, the techniques were good things to try to reduce anxiety, but I think the book could've been notably shorter.

This book, to me, is like a crab cake that misses the mark due to too much filler and not enough crab.
Thank you to the publisher for the review copy!