A review by labunnywtf
Night of Cake & Puppets by Laini Taylor


Look at me, actually reading an ebook on my phone. Beep Buffy, the apocalypse is coming.

I love that, knowing what a spiteful love-hating bitch I am, Jen warned me this was all romance all the time before I started it.

Surprise, surprise, I loved this. I love whatever you call the book and a halfs, the books between the books like this. I call them story inserts. Harry Potter needed some of these, for the stories you miss because they're not centered on the main characters.

Reading the blurb about the book, I really couldn't figure out what setting this was, but realizing it was Mik and Zuzana's first date, I was...worried. Not overly worried, because I do adore the tiny rabid fairy, but see above re: spiteful love-hating bitch.

The opening story about the evil fox puppet, I want an entire book of stories like that. It's like an old fashioned horror story, and I want to read Laini Taylor telling old fashioned horror stories. Someone tell her to get on that, thanks.

I'd forgotten the teeny blurb about Zuzana creating a treasure map, because it was a throw away thought in DoB&S. But once I was reminded, my interest picked up. Anything from her twisted brain is not going to be your stereotypical treasure hunt.

The use of the Scuppies was glorious. Absolutely perfect, and so creepy. I really would've loved to know what happened with the Angel puppet, but Zuzana vs Kaz was worth the distraction.

Mik turning the tables on her, and her immediate freak out, was also a perfect touch.

By the last bit, I was over it, of course. Post phone call, when she was talking about love and snuggles and whatever else was said that I skimmed right past. Yeah, I'm done.

Didn't take away from the story, though. So much fun.

And for the record, as this was the first book I read via the Kindle app on my phone?

I still hate ebooks, and prefer holding books. I get the convenience, but meh. Not a fan.