A review by panxa
Vengeance from Ashes by Sam Schall


This book had a weird information distribution. On one hand, some information was constantly repeated (by the same character, by each new character introduced, and then again chapters later). We hear over and over about the history behind Shaw's imprisonment, and while we do need that info, I don't think we needed it quite so often and from all the characters.

On the other hand, some information that would have been nice to know was never given. Why are they fighting this war? Who is the enemy? We get a name, but no other information. Why is Shaw so vital to the war effort? The only thing we're told about her past is that she's got morals and loyalty. But that's not really unique? All the other characters associated with her are likewise ethical and loyal people. Did they rescue her because they need her specific help, or because it's the right thing to do? I feel like that distinction got blurred in places and it felt off to me.

I think part of the problem is that this reads like the first half of a book rather than a complete novel. We only get the set up, but not the pay off.