A review by theelimmist
Talk Me Down by Victoria Dahl


Talk Me Down, is one of those books I bought that I got interested about since it's protagonist is an author. It's also one of those books that I was searching for: an erotic mystery thriller, which I only found out after looking for said genre of novels.

Talk Me Down is about an erotic novel author, Molly Jennings, moving to a new town to escape a relationship that did not go to well and starting a new. Yet troubles follows her as she figures out that she has a stalker that wants her, one way or another. An exciting, mystery filled, erotic novel that will make your heart race for the thrill and the hot scenes.

Readers who would want to read this for the erotic element might be a little disappointed because of the lack of engaging, graphic, erotic scenes. It does have a few, but one might be disappointed for the shortness of those scenes. The novel focuses on the mystery side, and then added bits and pieces of erotica to make the story move. Without it, the story won't move at all.

This, I think, made the story exceptional; incorporating the erotica side to a mystery flawlessly, and not just scenes added for the sake of having an erotic element.

I would recommend this to mystery lovers though I must admit, it was easy for me to find the culprit, until an unexpected twist. Those looking for an erotica might be disappointed, but I would still recommend this for the story.